Sea Harrier FA2 ZH799
Sea Harrier FA2 ZH799 is a single seat fighter. Built in 1996 as part of batch of 18 New build FA2s, the aircraft entered service with 801 squadron. The FA2 was an upgraded version of the FRS-1 featuring an improved Blue Vixen Radar, slightly lengthened fuselage, wing leading edge modifications and a slightly up-rated Pegasus 106 engine.
In 2018, ZH799 was acquired by AVT for restoration to flight condition with the support of our staff, volunteers and Navy Wings UK. The aircraft is the second youngest in the fleet with only 800 hrs on the airframe with no damage or corrosion. It was however missing some parts. After an extensive survey based on FA2 maintenance manuals some 594 parts were identified as needing replacement. AVT has since attained 99% of those items and is close to initiating reassembly. This will be done in accordance with CASA Part 43 regulations.
Putting our newest Harrier back in the sky

The aircraft’s return to flight is being supported by AVT aerospace engineers and enthusiastic former ex RN (Ian Chorlton), and RAF (Phil Hutchison) Harrier engineers. UK Navy Wings, whose charter is to support the return to flight of former RN aircraft, have eagerly backed our virtuous efforts by allotting the aircraft the very unique and privileged position of Navy Wings Associate aircraft. We now have no choice but to make ZH799 fly !!! More eager than most is our pilot Dale O’Meara (Australian – former RN – Harrier 1000 hrs).
ZH799 History
One of the last all British aircraft to be built. FA2 ZH799 ended its service with 809 SQN in 2001 having only flown 716 sorties with a total of 872 flying hrs, the second lowest of all the FA2’s. The aircraft has all systems intact with all sensitive military equipment removed.
Engineering a new future for Sea Harrier FA2 ZH799
ZH799 Cockpit to be updated with new MFD’s including AHRS and GPS map.